June 21 - July 22

Positive: Kind, sensitive, sympathetic, imaginative, maternal or paternal, solicitous, protective, cautions, patriotic, tenacious, shrewd, thrifty, resourceful, good homemaker.

Negative: Over-emotional, hypersensitive, moody, devious, changeable, self-pitying, unforgiving, unstabil, untidy, gulible


Cancer personality is very protective of a vulnerable underside. There is a hard shell which is outwardly tough & impenetrable; but, inwardly, Cancer is highly sensitive and caring, even if this a trend is well hidden from the rest of the world.


Cancer has a deep inferiority complex, so any hurt, real or imagined, is brooded upon. Cancer sometimes shows, tendency to look back at, and hold on to, things of the past & can be a very possessive sign. This conservatice aspect of their nature will also often initiate changes.

common liaw!!!!!!
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BaCk HoMe....