April 20 - May 20

Positive:Practical, reliable, patient, persistent, solid, determined, industrious, strong-willed, sensuous, affectionate, warm-hearted, trustworthy.

Negative: Lazy, possessive, self-indulgent, dull, inflexsible, unoriginal, unimaginative, greedy, stubborn, resentful, hidebound by routine.


Taurus is motivated by a need for security, so is often excellent at business matters and can be trusted to plan and carry things through carefully with firm attention to detail. Taurus also values the environment and will do everything possible to preserve its well-being.


Taureans have difficulties in interacting with people : a very slow-to-rouse but terrible temper, and possessiveness. Sexual jealousy, another Taurean trait, can often lead to explosions of angry.

common liaw!!!!!!
Wanna know how is your luck today?
BaCk HoMe....